AMM plans for round two

Will there be another round of AMM…? … in short, YES! We are planning on continuing Author Mentor Match as a mentoring program in subsequent rounds. Round one was incredibly successful, and we made some great matches. But now we have a sense of how much...

AMM Round 1 In Review: Stats & Trends

In a Nutshell In total, AMM had: 183 submissions     82 fantasy (includes paranormal, historical fantasy)     33 sci-fi     68 contemporary (includes mystery, thriller, historical) 28 mentor picks 14 fantasy (includes historical fantasy) 6 sci-fi 8 contemporary...

AMM Round 1 In Review: Stats & Trends @JoshuaSLevy AGENT Elana Roth Parker WRITES Upper Middle Grade DEBUT Seventh Grade Vs. The Galaxy (Spring 2019) Carolrhoda/Lerner ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL MENTEEMSWL/Anti-MSWLFAVES BIO Dad; husband; former middle school...