Mentor M.K. Lobb AGENTClaire Friedman, InkWell Management WRITESDark Fantasy/Historical Fantasy BOOKSSEVEN FACELESS SAINTS (2023) Little, Brown ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL MENTEEMSWL/Anti-MSWLFAVES BIOM. K. Lobb was born in small-town Canada...

Mentor Mary E. Roach AGENTAbbie Donoghue, New Leaf Literary WRITESYA Thrillers, SFF, Mysteries & Horror; Adult SFF & Thrillers; MG Mystery & Adventure REVISING ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL MENTEEMSWL/Anti-MSWLFAVES BIOMary E....

Mentor Meredith Tate AGENTSarah Landis, Sterling Lord Literistic WRITESYA Fantasy, Contemporary, Sci-Fi, Thrillers & Romcom BOOKSSHIPPED (2021) Penguin TeenTHE LAST CONFESSION OF AUTUMN CASTERLY (2020) Penguin TeenTHE RED LABYRINTH (2019) FluxFREEDOM TRIALS...

Mentor Jenna Voris AGENTClaire Friedman, InkWell Management WRITESYA Sci-Fi, YA Contemporary BOOKSMADE OF STARS (2023) Viking Childrens/PRH ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL MENTEEMSWL/Anti-MSWLFAVES BIOBorn and raised in the Midwest, Jenna now...

Mentor Jennie Wexler AGENTAlex Rice, CAA WRITESContemporary YA BOOKSWHERE IT ALL LANDS (2021) Wednesday Books ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL MENTEEMSWL/Anti-MSWLFAVES BIOJennie Wexler spent the first part of her career producing television shows...

Mentor Jennifer Camiccia AGENT Stacey Glick at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret WRITESContemporary Middle Grade BOOKSTHE MEMORY KEEPER (2019) Aladdin/S&SNORTH SHORE #3 AMERICAN HORSE TALES (2021) Penguin Workshop ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING...

Mentor Alyssa Colman AGENTSarah Landis, Sterling Lord Literistic WRITESFantasy, Historical BOOKSTHE GILDED GIRL (2021) Farrar, Straus & GirouxTHE TARNISHED GARDEN (2022) Farrar, Straus & Giroux ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL...

Mentor Lorelei Savaryn AGENTChloe Seager, Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency WRITESFantasy, Contemporary Fantasy, Spooky BOOKSTHE CIRCUS OF STOLEN DREAMS (2020) PhilomelTHE EDGE OF IN BETWEEN (2022) PRH/VikingTHE NIGHT TRAIN (2023) PRH/Viking...

Mentor Shana Targosz AGENTAndrea Morrison, Writers House WRITESMG Fantasy, Chapter Books, Picture Books ON SUBMISSION ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL MENTEEMSWL/Anti-MSWLFAVES BIOShana Targosz is a MG/YA/PB author who writes about...

Mentor Cristin Williams

@cristin_writes AGENTKristina Pérez, Zeno Agency WRITESMG Fantasy/Horror ON SUBMISSION ABOUTOVERVIEWMENTORING GENRESMENTORING STYLEIDEAL MENTEEMSWL/Anti-MSWLFAVES BIOCristin lives in Europe with her husband and four daughters. When she’s not writing adventure-filled...