Author Mentor Match opens for submissions for Round 7 February 13, 2020, and mentees will be announced by the end of February. AMM is a mentoring program that matches unpublished YA, MG, and Adult writers with published or pre-published authors.
Interested? Want to keep up with announcements and connect with other hopefuls? Subscribe to the AMM Newsletter and follow the @AuthorMentorM plus the hashtags #authormentormatch, #ammfam, and #ammparty on Twitter. And if you want to know more, than you can hear it from AMM’s very own co-creator, Alexa Donne! Here’s her “All About” video.
As you polish your manuscript and patiently wait (we know the wait is grueling) for the submission window to open, use #AMMConnect to–yup, you guessed it–connect with other hopefuls! AMMConnect is the hub for meeting new writers and posting aesthetics and just generally squeeing over each other’s WIPs! The How-To is detailed below, and it’s so simple! Head to your blog or website and create an #AMMConnect bio. Tell us who you are, what you write, and why you’re entering. Maybe your WIP is missing that certain something and you’d like a mentor to help flesh it out, or maybe you’ve queried and had some rejections and need some extra guidance on that front. Our mentors are excited to help you improve and reach your goals!
A step-by-step to #AMMConnect
- Create an #AMMConnect post on your blog or website. Tell us about yourself, what you write and why, and why you’d make a great mentee. Be sure to include your age category and genre, and a link back to this post. Have fun with it! We love gifs, aesthetics, images and videos!
- Enter your name, category, genre, and bio link in the Google form below.
- Head over to Twitter (Writer Twitter is amazing! Create an account if you haven’t already.) and share a link to your post. Make sure you include #AMMconnect so others can find you, and pin the tweet to your profile.
- Browse the hashtag and interact with other AMM hopefuls! Read bios, like, and comment. Drool over incredible book concepts and offer to swap sample chapters with potential critique partners. You could make a writing buddy for life.
Also, on Twitter we’ll be having fun answering prompts at #AMMparty! Learn about your fellow mentees and their work and make more connections!
Why Submit to AMM?
I was chosen in Round 3, so I’ve been in the AMM family for a while. This, by far, has been the best community of writers I’ve found. I consider many of the mentees my friends, and I know I can rely on their support and critiques. Because not only does AMM bring you together with other writers, it provides the atmosphere to find trustworthy critique partners. That’s pay off all on its own!
But don’t just take our word for it. Check out what my fellow mentees have to say about their own experiences.
“There’s a thousand reasons to submit to AMM, but here’s just a few… My mentor provided amazing insight on how to take my manuscript to new levels, closer to being the book I’ve always dreamed about. Before and even after signing with an agent, he’s been around for me for everything from reading recs to questions about book covers. In addition, the AMM mentees have become my writing family — we cheer each other on, pick each other up after difficult days, and word sprint together after our day jobs.
I hope you’ll submit to AMM and find your writing family, too.
I am beyond grateful for Sean, Alexa, and my AMM family!”
Julie Abe
Coming August 4, 2020
Agent: Sarah Landis, Sterling Lord Literistic
Fall 2017 Mentee, Mentor: Sean Easley
“Author Mentor Match has been a huge deal for my writing career. With every round of revision, I did with Jaime, my book and my writing in general became so much stronger. Beyond revising my manuscript, Jaime was still with me through every step of the querying process, from helping me with my query letter, decided which agents to sub to, to talking me through the stressful process of deciding between multiple offers. I recommend this program to anyone who feels like they have a strong manuscript but know it’s not ready for the next step and need some help getting it there. I couldn’t have made it this far without Author Mentor Match, and now my mentor and I are agent siblings!”
Jordan Marisa Kelly
Agent: Jordan Hamessley, New Leaf Literary Agency
Fall 2017 Mentee, Mentor: Jaime Olin
“Author Mentor Match is everything I never knew I was looking for. This community has revolutionized my writing life in every aspect, from confidence to ability and everything in between. My mentor has equipped me with a trusty arsenal of plotting spreadsheets and puns, and her feedback is always spot on. But most importantly, my mentor isn’t just investing in this one manuscript—she’s investing in me as a writer. We’re in this for the long haul. And that makes all the difference.”
Sarah Harrington
Fall 2017 Mentee, Mentor: Rosiee Thor
“I’m blown away by how great AMM has been. My mentor is amazing, insightful, and generous, and has helped me grow so much. Not only is she just a great person to talk to, she also has years of experience as a published writer and has shared her wisdom and connections with me. In addition, my cohort of mentees has turned into a supportive, resource-sharing, cheerleading group of role models and peers that I’m so glad to have met. I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of AMM.”
Carolyn T. O’Neil
Fall 2017 Mentee, Mentor: J. Albert Mann
“Kevin has offered such a fresh perspective on my manuscript and really pushed me to find my story. His knowledge of writing resources and the industry has proven invaluable, and he’s always available for a comforting word or brainstorming session. I feel so lucky to call him my mentor and have him (and the whole AMM family) on this journey with me!”
Debra Spiegel
Fall 2017 Mentee, Mentor: Kevin van Whye
“Joining AMM was a wonderful experience for me. With Kim’s help, my writing improved beyond what I’d ever expected. I love how it’s an ongoing relationship, and the focus is on mentoring rather than competing for a showcase. I’ve been able to work at my own pace and know that our relationship will continue long-term. She has been such a wonderful teacher and has supported me through multiple revisions and querying. Also, through the AMMfam I’ve connected with so many wonderful people, including some amazing critique partners who I now consider my bestest friends. I feel so supported and connected as part of this entire community. Since being mentored, I have gone on to sign with an agent and am about to send my book off on submission in 2019, eep!”
Lyndall Clipstone
Agent: Jill Grinberg, Jill Grinberg Literary
Spring 2018 Mentee, Mentor: Kim Smejkal
“AuthorMentorMatch is an amazing program. My book has improved by leaps and bounds since I began revising with my mentor’s input and ideas. My mentor has been so supportive—she’s helped with everything from edit letters and brainstorming sessions to query materials and publishing advice. Anyone looking for a program where you’ll get a great mentee-mentor relationship, help with your book, and amazing community of other writers, AuthorMentorMatch has what you’re looking for.”
Emily Grey Feldman
Spring 2018 Mentee, Mentor: Rosiee Thor
“I found out about AMM three weeks before the deadline, and on a whim, I decided to apply. I can’t believe how this amazing opportunity almost passed me by! My mentor has been absolutely amazing, quick in her responses, supportive, and firm in her critique. Getting a long edit letter was overwhelming but reading her ideas and talking them through with her opened my eyes to what my book could become. Having access to the other AMM mentees as well has been great since we can share our struggles and our triumphs with each other. The AMM community has made me a stronger writer, and the resources it provides has me excited–not scared! –of the next steps on my path to being a published author.”
Linnea Garcia
Spring 2018 Mentee, Mentor: Jaime Olin
“AMM has been everything I hoped for. At the end of March, when I got into Round 4, my amazing mentor Tae Keller sent me a 10-page single-spaced edit letter complete with graphs. Her critique was so insightful and helped me re-work my manuscript entirely. Two months later, after essentially rewriting half my novel, I sent her a revision. She gave me another edit letter, this time three pages long. A month later, I’d made some more significant edits and sent my manuscript to beta readers and other critique partners. A month after that, and a bit over four months after receiving my first edit letter, I was ready to query my novel.
Coming into AMM, I was ready to put in the hard work of revising my novel, but I couldn’t have done it without my mentor or this program. To have someone believe in my project and help guide me through the Blow-It-Apart-and-Put-it-Back-Together stage of novel-writing was absolutely invaluable.”
Sylvia Liu
Spring 2019 Mentee, Mentor: Tae Keller
#AMMConnect Blog Links
Enter your name, genre, and link using this blog link form. Then hop around and meet your fellow AMM hopefuls!

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