I’m a twenty-something writer who lives in the Midwest with my husband and hyperactive rescue dog. I spend way too much time watching Netflix. I love YA because it captures that special moment in time where life feels so infinite and astronomical because every thing is a first.
I started seriously writing in July 2016 and finished a manuscript in September. Like a fool, I didn’t edit at all and sent it out to a bunch of agents. I got a decent amount of full requests, but my writing wasn’t there yet. I wrote a second novel that I finished in January 2017, queried, and shelved after about a month of querying. I wrote a third manuscript that I finished in May. I participated in the June Pitmad event. Lindsay liked my pitch, so I sent it to her. She emailed to set up a call (to offer representation) about a month after that.
I majored in English at Loyola University Chicago.
When I first started querying, I wasn’t ready and eventually realized that, but I didn’t know how to be ready. Maybe you’re unsure if you’re ready. Maybe you think you’re almost there but you’re not totally sure. Or maybe you just need a kickass cheerleader who will be honest with you about what’s working and what’s not. I want to help you make your book shine and help you through this bananas process. I know this process is intense and frustrating, but you don’t have to be alone.
I’m looking for a feminist YA that takes me by surprise and makes me think. I read to relate to the world, and I want a book that makes me look at things in a new light. I am, above all else, a sucker for a good contemporary. I would love a queer romance, but only if it ends happily. I would love to see an inspired thriller/mystery in the vein of Kara Thomas or Abigail Haas. I want a book that will reflect the delicacy of being a teenager and how hard that can be sometimes, but also how magical it can be too.
- Contemporary
- Mystery/Thriller
- #ownvoices
- Romance
I love enemies to lovers and best friends to lovers. I’m not opposed to a love triangle if it feels fresh.
- Edit Letter (Big Picture developmental feedback)
- Line edit (dropping notes into a Word Document)
I will definitely provide an edit letter, and I like to do a casual line edit. I don’t point out your grammar or anything, but I will squeal over things I love and point out specific lines that aren’t working. I usually tend to do a line edit as I read and then sum up all of the big picture issues in a letter after I’ve finished.
Someone who is hardworking and good at taking feedback. I also want someone communicative that, if you strongly feel against a change I’m suggesting, you speak up about it and we find a way to better tackle what you’re trying to do. Also, a sense of humor doesn’t hurt.
Give me your feminist, contemporary YA. I would love a f/f romance. I want to read a manuscript where the voice is so incredible it feels like a friend is next to me telling a story. I’d die for a truly unexpected thriller/mystery.
Tragic queer narratives, mental illness narratives where the depressed person dies by suicide, thrillers where the murderer is written as mentally ill, slut shaming, don’t submit anything where animals die
TV: I am obsessed with Grey’s Anatomy and the Bachelor. Authors: Becky Albertalli is on my auto-buy list. Books: Firsts, The Upside of Unrequited, Dangerous Girls, It’s Not Like It’s A Secret, The Darkest Corners. I’m a sucker for cheerleaders, prep schools, anything with an air of exclusivity to it.
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